The bell-ringers of this region have remained faithful to the tradition and the well-beaten paths that the Brežanski, Munski, Žejanski, Rukavački, Zvonejski, Vlahov Breg – Korensko, Mučićevi, Frlanski and Brgujski bell-ringers head down.

Bells and Nothing Else! is a programme of the neighbourhood of Matulji which unites 22 local council committees of the Municipality of Matulji. The Bell-ringer Review and the traditional carnival procession introduce us to the magical rite of the bell-ringer procession and carnival customs, and in conjunction with the programme, a valuable initiative is also set in motion in the gathering of knowledge based on the traditional customs, old crafts as an inspiration for new generations.

Tradition is a condensed knowledge and this is why a School of Knowledge and Crafts was designed as an educational platform from the field of applied arts, scenography, puppetry, culture management, inspired and based on the tradition in which the knowledge of the ways of mobilising a community lies. Following the idea of the development and change in which the borders and creativity are questioned, a collaboration is beginning with one of the most important institutions from the field of performing arts DAMU – the Academy of Performing Arts and the Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre in Prague (CZ).