A contemporary ballet which speaks of the magnificence of water. The choreography focuses on the contrasting nature of water; on the reactions and adaptations of the human body to the presence of water, at the same time not forgetting its emotional and sentimental impact on the human soul.

Water is the source of life, as well as a destructive force. Although we use it to survive, many redirect it to take control of it, and some exploit it for material gains – however, nobody can truly control it. Water is magnificent in its duality; it is devastatingly beautiful in its contrasts; it is an element which, if we allow it, can completely relax and calm us, but with equal ease, with its cataclysmic waves, it can also destroy and ruin everything we know.

The choreography focuses on the contrasting nature of water; on the reactions and adaptations of the human body to the presence of water, at the same time not forgetting its emotional and sentimental impact on the human soul. Therefore along with the physical aspects, the interactions between the human body and water, it also explores the metaphysical aspect of water. Water which flows can symbolise a challenge, vitality, victory, change… and there a point develops in which man and water both conceptually and physically merge, uniting and creating an essentially different experience of reality.

Characteristic and recognisable for Andonis Foniadakis (GR), the choreography is stylistic in the context of modern dance established on the use of complex, extremely dynamic movements with frequent and unexpected changes of the centre of gravity, direction and tempo, and the repetitions of the choreographic sequences in forms whose diversity corresponds to the (un)predictability of water.