Čandek street, urban legends, punk, industry, alternative, technical culture, radio waves, the ISS – International Space Station, solar energy, sounds of space, NASA, MIT laboratory, innovators, urban salt works, graffiti, the INA refinery… all of these are common denominators of the Turnić-Mlaka neighbourhood.

The Turnić-Mlaka neighbourhood unites two Rijeka districts linked by the urban life of the industrial legacy of modernism and socialism plus the creation and development of Rijeka’s alternative scene. The presence and visibility of the technical culture and industrial zone on the one hand and the workers’ settlements of tall tower blocks on the other are the starting points of a programme which brings the community together in various ways.

The special feature of the area is also evident in the programme that begins with an exhibition in the Nebeska Gallery evoking memories of the Skyscraper of death and the artistic initiative of saving the tower blocks of 2004. The Turnić-Mlaka we have a problem is a programme by radio amateurs which arranges the daily listening of sounds from deep space and a five-minute link to the ISS – International Space Station. NASA has confirmed! Turnić-Mlaka has its own MIT (“Mlaka and Turnić”) which is linked to the French silicon-valley institution The Camp. And there’s more. A gathering at the Robert Komen football ground, mornings of poetry and the unforgettable and the unrepeatable Man Laser.