Presentation and discussion about the Brick House flagship, today at 11h at Mali salon.

How to ensure the cultural future of the city is a fundamental question, both for Rijeka as a European Capital of Culture and for the community generally. Our solution was found with the Brick House, a municipal initiative in a unique recycled factory, mixing institutions and programmes, providing content radically different to any initiative today in Croatia. The Brick House is both a physical space and a node for cooperation, headed by key cultural institutions. It serves as a focal point of knowledge and inspiration for the entire population, particularly kids. Three of the City’s cultural institutions ( City Library, City Puppet Theatre and Art-Kino ) join forces as logical partners in this effort.
Read in detail about this flagship by following the link (or clicking on the photo). This flagship will be presented by Slobodanka Miškovi?, the Director of Art Kino.
Cover photo: Jadranka Lackovi?, Youth Council Ben?i?