The 4th 3N/AND – Abandon Normal Devices (Napusti normalne naprave) Fair is scheduled for 4 and 5 September (Friday and Saturday) from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Palach Youth Cultural Centre on Kružna Street, as part of the Gyroscope project.

If you attended one of the last three editions, then you already know that it is an event that brings together unusual devices in one place, often made from everyday items, with the goal of providing visitors with an out-of-the-box perspective on modern technology via interactive installations, workshops and audio-visual performances.

Inspired by the 19th century concept of a ‘World Fair’, where inventors and engineers would present their inventions and discoveries to the public, the AND/3N Fair showcases unusual exhibits and presents offbeat ideas that push forward new approaches to utilising technology. It strives to popularise the hacking technologies that are available around us and to encourage abandoning factory service manuals in favour of tailoring our devices to our own needs and interests.

The aim of the fair is to gather unconventional inventions, installations and DIY devices, along with their creators – artists, hackers, inventors, collectives and DIY enthusiasts.

GAME is the theme of this year’s fair, at which two dozen exhibitors from Croatia and abroad, who were either invited or who replied to our call for proposals, will present their devices and creations, including: Željko Blaće, Vitar Drinković, Christoforos, Arsen Ivanišević, Pavel Čeh, Ivan Ugrin, Franciska Fis, Tin Dožić, Radiona, Gregor Bogdanović and Mateo Marcelić, Metamedij, Format C, Peek&Poke and more.