Pursuant to Article 19, paragraph 1, point 7, and Article 29, paragraph 4, point 30 of the Articles of Incorporation of the founding of the company RIJEKA 2020 LLC from 24 May 2016, the Assembly of RIJEKA 2020 LLC is announcing the following
for the position of Chief Executive Officer of RIJEKA 2020 LLC
A person may be named Chief Executive Officer if they meet the general requirements prescribed by Article 239, paragraph 1 of the Companies Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 111/94, 34/99, 121/99, 52/00, 118/03, 107/07, 146/08, 137/09, 111/12, 125/1, 68/13 and 110/15), as well as the following:
- College degree / Master or equivalent level (University Master’s degree or Vocational Master’s degree)
- A minimum of five years of experience in management
- Active written and verbal competence in at least two foreign languages, one of which is English
Members of any gender are able to apply for the position.
Along with their application, all candidates must provide the following:
- CV (in Croatian and written in the Latin script)
- copy of identity card or passport, or any public identification containing proof of citizenship
- proof of education (diploma copy, and if the candidate is foreign the diploma must be translated into Croatian by a court interpreter)
- proof of total work experience (printout of the digital records held by the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute or a certificate verifying the information in the records of the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute, and if the candidate is foreign then equivalent proof that must be translated into Croatian by a court interpreter)
- proof of work experience obtained in management for a minimum of five years, detailing the types of work the candidate performed, the qualifications required for those positions and the periods in which that work was performed (copies of contracts, decisions or certificates from employers), as registered in the digital records of the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute or with a certificate verifying the information in the records of the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute, and if the candidate is foreign then equivalent proof that must be translated into Croatian by a court interpreter
- proof of linguistic competence for two foreign languages, one of which is English (copies of student’s transcripts, certificates or other), followed by an oral test if deemed necessary
- signed and notarized statement that there are no obstacles for employment as prescribed by Article 239, paragraph 2 of the Company Act
- motivational letter (in Croatian and written in the Latin script, maximum 6000 characters)
Applications are submitted in a sealed envelope with the written address of the recipient and the following text: “application for the Chief Executive Officer of RIJEKA 2020 LLC – do not open”. The envelope can be submitted as follows:
- registered mail to the following address: Grad Rijeka, Odjel gradske uprave za kulturu, Korzo 16, 51000 Rijeka
- personally to the City of Rijeka Registry Office at Titov trg 3 or Trpimirova 2/II, 51000 Rijeka
The term of the Chief Executive Officer lasts for five years from when the decision is made by the Assembly of Rijeka 2020 LLC, unless the appointment decision mandates otherwise, regardless of what is entered in the court register.
Applications can be submitted within 30 (thirty) days from the public job announcement, that is, 7th of August 2016 at the latest.
A proper application contains all information and documents listed in this announcement.
Any person that does not submit a proper application, fails to submit their application by the deadline or does not meet the formal requirements detailed in this announcement will not be considered as a candidate and their application will not be considered.
Any person that does not submit a proper application, fails to submit their application by the deadline or does not meet the formal requirements detailed in this announcement will receive a written notification.
The submitted documentation will not be returned.
Candidates that meet all of the detailed requirements will be summoned for an interview within thirty days of the application submission deadline.
The decision on the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer will be made by the Rijeka 2020 LLC Assembly. The Assembly reserves the right to annul this job competition without special elaboration.
Candidates will be notified of the results of the job competition within sixty days of the application submission deadline.