Kostrena was used as inspiration for the story “Remont ljudskih sudbina” (Overhaul of human destinies) by: Lejla Kalamujić
The peninsula of Kostrena descends gently towards the coastline, with beaches strewn along its length. The small houses of the villages in the Kostrena area were built in the hills, far away from the coast. Each village has a life of its own, each house its own explanation and each community its own name.
The main thread of Kostrena’s identity throughout history has been woven by the maritime and captaincy tradition dating back to sailing ships of the 19th century, when there were few houses in Kostrena that didn’t send a seaman out into the world, many of which were officers and captains.
The municipality of Kostrena, encompassing 19 settlements, is inhabited by almost 4,200 people.
Lejla Kalamujić
Lejla Kalamujić is an author from Sarajevo, born in 1980.
She published two collections of stories. The first collection, “Anatomija osmijeha” (“The Anatomy of a Smile”) was awarded as the best unpublished manuscript in 2008 (ZORO/Sarajevo). The second collection, “Zovite me Esteban” (“Call Me Esteban”), was published in Sarajevo (2015), Belgrade (2016) and Zagreb (2017). The book “Zovite me Esteban” won the “Edo Budiša” award in 2015 for the best collection of stories (by authors of up to 35 years of age). So far, her works have been translated into Macedonian (2017), with translations into Slovene and English underway. Apart from the two collections of short prose, in 2017, she wrote a play titled “Ljudožderka ili kako sam ubila svoju porodicu” (“Cannibal, or How I Killed My Family”) which was shortlisted for the Heartefact regional competition for contemporary dramatic texts, and will be published by the end of 2018.
The programme was implemented in cooperation with the Kostrena National Library and the Municipality of Kostrena.