Bakar was used as inspiration for the story “Ajkula” (“The Shark”) by: Nora Verde
The town of Bakar is located about 10 kilometers east of Rijeka, at the bottom of the rocky bay of Bakar. The particular feature of one of the oldest towns in the northern Adriatic and the largest towns in Croatia at the turn between the 18th and the 19th century are its narrow streets and squares bearing witness to a rich history. The process of industrialisation was introduced to Bakar in the 20th century with a coke plant which brought environmental devastation to the entire bay area. It closed in 1995, and, nowadays, the existing shipyard is still used for construction and repairs.
Around 1,500 people inhabit the town of Bakar.
Nora Verde
Nora Verde (Antonela Marušić) is a Croatian author born in Dubrovnik in 1974. She is a graduate in Croatian language and literature.
She started to pursue a literary career as a student, publishing her first poetry work, “Sezona bjegova” (“The Season of Getaways”) in 1994. She publishes her poetry in the following collections and journals: “Vijenac”, “Homo Volans”, “Zadarska smotra”, “Zadarski list” and others.
She is the author of a book of prose “Posudi mi smajl” (“Borrow Me a Smile”) which was published at the end of 2010. In September 2013, she published a novel entitled “Do isteka zaliha” (“While Stocks Last”), which was published in Slovenia in 2016 under the title “Do razprodaje zalog”. Her book of short stories “O ljubavi, batinama i revoluciji” (“On Love, Beatings and Revolution”) was published in 2016.
Her stories were published in the collection “Pristojan život (lezbejske kratke priče s prostora Ex Yu)“ (“A Decent Life – Lesbian Short Stories from Ex-Yugoslavia”), in the book “Zagreb Noir” in 2015 (Akashic Books, New York, 2016), and the collection “Biber, kratke priče na temu pomirenja” (“Pepper, Short Stories On Reconciliation”) in 2016.
From 1998 to present, she works as a journalist and editor of daily and weekly newspapers and non-profit media in the areas of culture, music, television, civil society, human rights and independent media.
She is a member of the editorial board of the Croatian feminist portal “Vox Feminae”, the Croatian Writers Society and the Croatian Freelance Artists’ Association.
More on the author and her work
The programme was implemented in cooperation with the Town of Bakar, the Bakar Tourist Board and the Bakar Municipal Library.