Northern Cres was used as the inspiration for the story “Tramuntana” by: Olja Savičević Ivančević
Northern Cres
On the green hill of the northern side of the island of Cres, there is a thick forest, known as Tramuntana, with a vegetation so diverse it represents an extremely important example of natural heritage. The wind is an ubiquitous weather element, which is also reflected in the way of life.
The north of Cres is also known for the highly protected griffon vultures which make their nests here on the steep cliffs overlooking the sea. This is the northernmost European colony of griffon vultures.
According to the most recent census of 2011, the settlements of northern Cres are inhabited by 129 people.
Olja Savičević Ivančević
Olja Savičević Ivančević is a poet and prosaic and dramatic author, born in Split in 1974. She graduated in Croatian language and literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zadar, where she also undertook a post-graduate course.
She won the “Prozak” award for her manuscript “Nasmijati psa” (“To Make a Dog Laugh”), as well as first prize at the ”Ranko Marinković” short story competition of Večernji list, and the “Kiklop” award for best poetry collection “Kućna pravila” (“House Rules”). The novel “Adio kauboju” (“Farewell, Cowboy”) won the T-portal award for best novel and the “Jure Kaštelan” award for art, presented by Slobodna Dalmacija. The novel “Adio kauboju” was staged as a play under the same name. The novel “Pjevač u noći” (“Singer in the Night”) won the award “Libar za vajk” (“a book for life”) at the Pula Book Fair. Olja Savičević Ivaničević won the regional award of the “Druga prikazna” (“other story”) festival in Skopje for her literary work so far. Some of Olja’s stories were the basis for scripts and short feature films, and several plays for children and youth were staged based on her dramatic texts. She is the author of numerous theatre play songs. A graphic novella-comic by the team Žeželj-Paljan was created on the basis of her story “Pederi” (“Fags”). Her works were translated into a dozen foreign languages and published in over ten European countries and the US. She lives and works in Split as a freelance writer.
Books and poetry collections published so far: “Bit će strašno kada ja porastem” (“When I’m Older, It’s Going To Be Hell”) of 1988, “Vječna djeca” (Eternal Children”) of 1993, “Žensko pismo” (“Women’s Writing”) of 1999, “Puzzlerojc” of 2005, “Kućna pravila” of 2007, “Mamasafari” of 2012, collection of stories: “Nasmijati psa” of 2006, novels: “Adio kauboju” of 2010 and “Pjevač u noći” of 2016, picture storybook “Šporki Špiro i Neposlušna Tonka” (“Sloppy Spiro and Cheeky Tonka”) of 2017 in cooperation with the illustrator Svjetlan Junaković.
More on the author and her work
The programme is implemented with the support of Hotel Kimen and Camp Kovačine, in cooperation with the Municipality of Cres, the Municipal Library “Frane Petrić” of Cres and the Plavica bar Cres.