Jan 26th 2016
News, Programme Plus
Are you without your own carnival group? Join us! You don’t have a mask? We’ll give you one! Do you want to dance? We have the best beats! You long for some cultural programme during carnival? We have an exhibition!
Jan 22nd 2016
Grupa studenata završne godine zagrebačkog arhitektonskog fakulteta u Benčiću predstavila je svoje radove na temu Hotel Benčić, pod vodstvom profesora Idisa Turata.
Jan 19th 2016
The history of Rijeka’s two-headed eagle begins in the 17th century when, at the request of the people of Rijeka, on 06 June 1659 emperor Leopold  I issued a charter with which he approved a coat of arms for Rijeka. 
Jan 14th 2016
News, Programme Plus
Shortly after removing the festive decorations from the city centre, their replacement comes in the form of carnival strips and flags that announce that fifth season which is unique to Rijeka – the Rijeka Carnival.
Jan 11th 2016
120 years of the Governor’s Palace is a common denominator for a series of documentaries with stories from the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral. The first one is titled “A Palace Bathing in the Mediterranan S...