The University Campus programme is a unique example of a contemporary university campus of culture, with which connections with the community and the city are established. The academic community is an indispensable factor in the building of a new paradigm of the city of Rijeka. Get to know the Campus via the Open House activities and open the doors of knowledge hidden behind the university departments.

Combined with the title Camp(with)Us the programme of the Campus and the University of Rijeka opens its doors of knowledge and presents itself with twenty-eight interdisciplinary programmes and projects carried out by university professors and students. Smart STEM workshops, KPR kiosk, Magical Mathematics, Nanoscale Inspirations, Travelling Scientists, Memory of Memories, artificial collective Ja:To, Project Sušak, Looking for super fruit and others are just part of the titles of the comprehensive scientific and artistic programme which are open to everyone during the year.

Via its European extension, the Campus is connected to the one in Trieste in Italy which in 2020 holds the prestigious title of European Capital of Science, whilst the partner organisation Trieste International Foundation for Scientific Progress and Freedom (FIT) firmly focuses on Central and Eastern Europe in relation to Trieste. Through the Vitamin D programme the Campus hosted the artist Darko Fritz who presents himself with a horticultural intervention in space I am not a Robot.