Sep 17th 2019
Diversity Mixer, Kitchen of Diversity, News, RiHub
From September 12-14, the International Conference Diversity Mixer, organised by Rijeka 2020 - European Capital of Culture and the Academy of Applied Arts, was held in the premises of RiHub (I. Grohovca 1a). The conference gathered 30 domes...
Sep 16th 2019
On Saturday, 14 September 2019, dancers from the K2K Dance Centre performed a flash mob at the Rijeka Korzo to promote the European Capital of Culture project.
Sep 12th 2019
News, Times of Power
The Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka and Rijeka 2020 - European Capital of Culture present the "D'Annunzio's Martyr - L'olocausta di Annunzio" exhibition, which opens at the Governor's Palace in Rijeka on 12 Septe...
The D’Annunzio's Martyr exhibition is part of a thematic exhibition cycle on borders that will resume with an important large-scale exhibition entitled Violins Above Borders / Stradivari in Rijeka – Kresnik and Cremona, and conclude wi...
Gabriele D’Annunzio, the controversial Italian military commander and precursor to fascist ideology, occupied Rijeka with his paramilitary forces on 12 September 1919 and wilfully proclaimed the city a part of the Kingdom of Italy.