The topic of participatory governance is becoming important due to the fact that traditional public governance and market-oriented governance systems have increasingly proven inadequate to respond to the complex realities of policy challenges and ongoing transformations in the socio-economic environment, encompassing the needs of cultural professionals and artists, audiences and local communities. Successful implementation and sustainable development of the complex practices of participatory governance in culture requires understanding of the changes in the socio-political context, cultural and social effects of new models of governance, establishment of modes and levels of involvement of all relevant stakeholders in decision-making processes and the (re)organization of their roles.
With the intention to contribute to the development of such practices in Croatia Kultura Nova Foundation and Rijeka 2020 LLC in partnership with University of Rijeka are organizing the “New Governance Models of Cultural Resources” seminar which will take place in “Akvarij” at the Campus of University of Rijeka from 19th to 21st November 2017. This three days seminar is intended for representatives of civil society organizations engaged in existing and emerging socio-cultural centers based on a participatory governance model and some form of public-civic partnership in Croatia, as well as for cultural professionals from Rijeka that develop or plan to develop new governance model of cultural resources.
The seminar aims to contribute to capacity strengthening of cultural professionals on different aspects of conversion and mechanisms of participatory governance of urban spaces for culture. Developing new knowledge and skills creates the basis for quality participation in decision-making, planning and implementation of innovative governance models of cultural resources that can significantly contribute to the sustainability of the cultural system and the development of local communities. The seminar will cover a wide range of topics relevant to governance of cultural resources, from type of organizational structure and governance models, participatory decision-making in arts and cultural heritage, participatory governance, local cultural policy development, new generation of cultural and civic spaces in Europe, business model for cultural resources, cultural policy crisis to practical exercises on advocacy, establishment and sustainable development of new governance models of cultural resources.
Seminar includes number of lectures and Engagement Labs for practical and interactive, individual and collective work of Seminars’ participants on their own examples of cultural resources. The seminar will be carried out by Croatian and foreign trainers who are experts on different aspects of new governance models of cultural resources. Official languages of the Seminar are Croatian and English.
The seminar is organized as an event that precedes the international and interdisciplinary conference “Participatory Governance in Culture: Exploring Practices, Theories and Policies. Do It Together.” to be held from 22nd to 24th November 2017 in Rijeka. The international and interdisciplinary conference is organized by Kultura Nova Foundation in partnership with Rijeka 2020 LLC, in collaboration with the European Cultural Foundation, and IFACCA, with the support of Central European Initiative regional intergovernmental forum. It has been also selected as an ENCATC labeled event. The conference is part of the “Approaches to Participatory Governance of Cultural Institutions” project supported by UNESCO’s International Fund for Cultural Diversity.
Photo: Akvarij @ Campus in Rijeka,