Jun 13th 2019
Lungomare Art, News
The Lungomare flagship of the Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture project will display permanent artworks at 10 locations in the Kvarner region. All of the works of art deal with certain specificities of the location in which they a...
Jun 13th 2019
You are invited to join a two-day long story-writing workshop, led by the artist Jennifer Lyn Morone. Workshop will be held on 19th and 20th June at Filodrammatica (Korzo 28/1, Rijeka).
EYE NET (European Youth Engagement Network) is co-financed by the European Union under the Europe for Citizens Program. It gathers partners from 5 European countries and deals with young citizens and basic values of the EU. The leading part...
The Easy Towns II project is a continuation of a successful project of the same name and co-financed by the European Union under the Europe for Citizens Program. It gathers partners from 11 European countries and deals with youth, intercult...
Diversity Mixer – policies and practices in the cultural and creative industries is a project co-funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020) and is implemented between October 2018 and October 2...
The CENTRIPHERY project is a cooperation project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme in implementation between 1st November 2018 and 31st March 2022. The leading partner is Festival Of Regions (Austria), while other partners include ...