Programme Plus: Opera & Classical music
The most sought after string quartet in Europe performs in Croatia for the very first time, bringing together a new and traditional classical music audience.
Programme Plus: Opera & Classical music
15/7/2020 21h
The Croatian premiere of a composition by the American composer Adams, Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 4 and Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 12 dedicated to Lenin.
Sweet & Salt: Music, Festivals & Events
17/7/2020 20h
A multidisciplinary project that combines science, art and popular culture and includes a selection of pop, rock and electronic music artists.
Kitchen of Diversity: Music, Exhibitions, Festivals & Events
1 - 3/5/2020
A cultural programme to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Rijeka Liberation Day which celebrates the memory of one of the most difficult World War II liberation battles in this part of Europe
Kitchen of Diversity: Festivals & Events
16 - 18/4/2020
Migrants Day is dedicated to the theme of Afrofuturism as a political and cultural movement, and also deals with the issue of the current refugee crisis.