As a member of the Croatian core artistic team in Delnice, I had a chance to research and investigate from the first-hand local rituals, narratives, myths and legends from people who live in the area of Gorski Kotar.
Jun 15th 2020
Emina Visnic requested her dismissal as CEO of Rijeka 2020 after completing the demanding process of redefining the company’s programme and budget, believing that under new (post-Covid-19) ECOC project circumstances she should personally ...
27 Neighbourhoods
The screening of documentary films under the clear sky, in museum courtyards or on the streets of old town centres, in the ports or on children’s playgrounds. Come and watch intriguing stories about people just like us.
27 Neighbourhoods
The Gomirje Accordion Mundial international accordion festival is an event that highlights the rich cultural heritage of the Gomirje Neighbourhood in Gorski Kotar by placing it in the wider context of the European and global music scenes, u...
27 Neighbourhoods
Year-long programme 2020