Nela Simić

Communications and Marketing Coordinator



Nela liked everything the kids were into, including fennel tea.

She once had to go cold turkey because there was no fennel and while still groggy she stumbled into journalism, lurching from one editorial office to another, getting high off the smell of daily and weekly periodicals until finally her addiction became so severe that only a direct hit of raw ether and radio waves to the brain could suffice. Media overexposure led to tragic consequences, so in order to feed her addiction Nela had to get a job as a culture editor and presenter on Radio 101 and suffer the ordeal of winning the Chancellor’s Award for starting “Global”, the Faculty of Political Science’s academic journal, of which she was also editor.

She tried to save herself by changing her environment and moving to Trieste, but her nature got the better of her, so she went on to earn a Master’s Degree in Communication Studies and Advertising.

She founded and ran the Pikto gallery in Zagreb, organised the Gallery Rally as well as the Thru the Bushes and Art Pullover festivals and the Pikto on Tour exhibition programme.

One day she knocked on the door of Rijeka 2020 and asked: “Do you have fennel tea here?” We lied that we did and hired her as a PR coordinator. She’s over there, hooked on media.

Meet the people